News: Features

Read the latest news from the College of Natural Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin

Texas Leader

Alumna Supports her Love of Nature through Gifts to College of Natural Sciences

The story of how this Lost Pines treasure landed within the College of Natural Sciences begins with UT alumna Lorraine Stengl, known to many as...

Lorraine Wyer and Casey Stengl stand in hats in an outdoor area at Stengl Lost Pines BIological Station with wildflowers in the foreground and a building farther away


5 Ways UT Science is Fighting Back on Microplastics

Jace Tunnell holds a plastic nurdle between thumb and forefinger


Lilienfeld Prize Winner Katherine Freese Researches Dark Matter

The winner of the 2019 Lilienfeld Prize, given annually by the American Physical Society for outstanding contributions in physics, develops theories about dark matter and what...

Portrait of a woman

Department of Molecular BIosciences

Turning Plant Pests into Helpers

Aphids are an enemy for most plants now, but the latest work from a team led by Jeffrey Barrick may make them a crop's new...

A field of crops with trees in the background


Decoding a Drop of Water to Understand Life on the Texas Coast

You can swim, but you can't hide.

Two women in hats stand in the bay waters, one holding a bucket and one with a net


UT Marine Science Institute Teams with SeaWorld San Antonio

When SeaWorld San Antonio unveiled and opened Turtle Reef™, featuring non-releasable sea turtles in a first-of-its-kind habitat, part of the focus was on its partnership...

A sea turtle floats in an aquarium with tropical fish in the background